
Light Travels in a Straight Line

Light Travels in a Straight Line

Have you ever wondered why light always seems to travel in a straight line? It’s fascinating to think about how light can navigate its way through space without deviating from its path. In this article, we will explore the concept of light traveling in a straight line and understand why it is such an important phenomenon.

Light Travels Along a Straight Line

Imagine a beam of light entering a dark room through a tiny hole in the window. Have you noticed that the light always travels in a straight line? This is because light has a remarkable ability to travel in a straight line, even in the absence of any obstacles.

To demonstrate this, try a simple experiment. Align three CDs together, making sure that they form a straight line. Now, place a candle at the other end of the CDs, ensuring that the tip of the candle and the holes of the CDs are all aligned. As you observe the flame of the candle, you’ll realize that the light waves travel through the holes in the CDs and reach your eye. The fact that you can see the flame proves that light travels in a straight line.

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But what happens when we displace the center of the CDs? You will notice that the flame of the candle becomes blocked. This happens because the light gets obstructed when it encounters an obstacle. If light had the ability to curve and travel, we would still be able to see the flame even when the CDs are displaced. However, since light travels in a straight line, any deviation from its path will cause it to be blocked.

Light Traveling in a Straight Line


Q1. The phenomenon in which the moon’s shadow falls on earth, or the earth casts its shadow on the moon, is known as:
A. Shadow
B. Lateral deviation
C. Eclipse
D. Tides

Answer: C. The phenomenon in which the moon’s shadow falls on earth or the earth casts its shadow on the moon is known as an eclipse. During a solar eclipse, the moon’s shadow falls on the earth, while during a lunar eclipse, the earth’s shadow falls on the moon.

Q2. Two examples of non-luminous objects are:
A. Stars and Moon
B. Burning candle, glowing bulb
C. The moon, a spoon
D. Stars, a spoon

Answer: C. Non-luminous objects are those that do not emit light. The moon and a spoon are good examples of non-luminous objects as they do not emit light themselves.

Q3. We can see objects only when:
A. Reflected light from the object reaches our eye.
B. The objects absorb all the light.
C. The objects allow all the light to pass through them.
D. None of these.

Answer: A. Objects can only be seen when light falls on them and is reflected back to our eyes.

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Light’s ability to travel in a straight line is truly remarkable. Whether it’s light from a torch, a train, or a lamp, you can be sure that it will always travel in a straight line. Understanding this concept helps us appreciate the wonders of light and its role in our everyday lives.

So next time you see a beam of light entering a room through a small opening, take a moment to marvel at how it maintains its path and illuminates everything in its way. It’s just another example of the incredible nature of light.

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