
Animed Direct: Helping Your Dog Overcome Travel Sickness

Travel sick dog

Are you planning an adventure with your furry friend but worried about their travel sickness? Canine travel sickness can make journeys stressful for both dogs and their owners. While there are short-term solutions like travel sickness tablets for dogs, long-term behavioral therapy is often the best approach. In this article, we will explore the causes of travel sickness in dogs, how to recognize the symptoms, and various ways to manage and treat it.

What Causes Canine Travel Sickness?

True motion sickness in dogs is relatively rare and is believed to result from certain types of motion affecting the balance center in the brain. However, many dogs exhibit travel sickness symptoms due to anxiety. The unfamiliar experience of car travel can cause high levels of stress, leading to nausea and discomfort. It’s important to address canine car sickness early on to prevent symptoms from worsening.

How Do I Know if My Dog is Car Sick?

While vomiting is an obvious sign of canine travel sickness, there are other less apparent symptoms related to nausea in dogs. These include:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Panting
  • Whining
  • Inactivity
  • Trembling
  • Loss of appetite
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While some cases of true motion sickness require prescription medication, the majority of canine travel sickness can be managed and treated with behavioral therapy. Anxiety around travel is often the main cause of symptoms. Supplements can also be beneficial in reducing travel sickness in dogs.

Supplements and Travel Sickness Tablets for Dogs

If your dog shows symptoms even at the jingle of car keys, they may feel sick just at the thought of a car journey. Calming supplements can provide effective relief in such cases. Zylkene capsules, which contain a natural calming ingredient derived from milk protein called casein, can act as great travel sickness tablets for dogs.

Other options include calming sprays, like Adaptil, which use pheromone technology to deliver comforting signals to your dog, and Pet Remedy, which contains a unique formulation of calming essential oils. These sprays can be applied to your pet’s bedding or carrier, or even sprayed on a bandana or coat for your dog to benefit from their calming effects.

It’s important to consult your vet to determine the best treatment for your dog’s travel sickness as every dog is different.

Can I Give My Dog Anti-Illness Tablets for Humans?

No, you should never give your dog any medication intended for humans. Human travel sickness tablets will not be effective for dogs and may have serious side effects. Always consult your vet for appropriate medication.

How Else Can I Help My Dog’s Travel Sickness?

In addition to supplements, there are other simple changes you can make to help reduce your dog’s feelings of car sickness.

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Make Sure Your Dog Feels Secure While Traveling: How your dog travels can heavily influence how they feel about the journey. Traveling alone in the boot may cause them to be fearful if they struggle with separation anxiety. Having someone travel in the back seat or using a crate or carrier may provide them with a greater sense of security.

Build a Positive Association with the Car: Gradually introduce your dog to the car without actually going anywhere. Use tasty treats to create a positive association with being in and around the car. Letting your dog have their favorite chew or even their dinner while sitting in a stationary car can help them feel more confident.

Stick to Short Journeys: For some dogs, even a short drive to the end of the road and back can be a big achievement. Use gentle encouragement to provide comfort and support, and slowly increase the duration of the journeys.

Feed Your Dog at Least 3 Hours Before Travel: Traveling on a full stomach is not ideal, especially for dogs with travel sickness. Aim to feed them at least 3 hours before the journey to allow time for digestion.

Exercise Your Dog Before the Journey: Exercising your dog before the journey can help them use up excess energy and encourage them to sleep in the car. It also gives them an opportunity to go to the bathroom before getting in the car.

Plan Your Journey: Consider bathroom breaks for your dog on longer journeys. Look for quieter areas along your route where your pet can have a peaceful break and get some fresh air.

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With time and consistency, you should be able to improve the length of your journeys and start planning longer trips with your dog. Introducing them to the car from a young age can help avoid adverse reactions later. If you need additional assistance, speak to your vet or a local dog behaviorist for personalized advice and recommendations.


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Travel sickness in dogs can be a challenge, but with the right approach and care, it can be managed effectively. From supplements and behavioral therapy to creating a positive association with the car, there are various ways to help your dog overcome travel sickness. Remember to consult your vet for the best course of action for your furry friend. With patience and love, you and your dog can enjoy exciting journeys together.

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