
Travel Expenses and Tax Deductions: A Guide for Business Professionals

If you frequently travel for work, whether as part of your employment or as a business owner, you may be eligible for tax deductions on your travel expenses. Maximizing these deductions can help you lower your tax burden and make the most of your travel costs. In this article, we will explore what qualifies as work-related travel expenses and how you can claim them to your advantage.

What Are Work-Related Travel Expenses?

Work-related travel expenses refer to the costs you incur while traveling for work purposes. Some common examples of claimable expenses include:

  • Transportation fares such as airline tickets, bus fares, train tickets, taxi rides, and ride-sharing services.
  • Car-related expenses like car hire fees, fuel costs, tolls, and parking fees.
  • Accommodation expenses.
  • Meal expenses when you stay away from home overnight.

You can even claim expenses for travel between different office locations on the same day. Additionally, if you have purchased any travel-related items like suitcases or laptop cases, remember to keep the receipts as they can be valid claims.

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Claiming Travel Expenses

Your travel expenses can be your main deductible expense, whether it’s for daily travel, overnight stays, or even international trips. From traveling to conferences or meetings with clients to commuting between different workplace locations, you can claim these expenses to reduce your tax liability.

However, there are a few instances where you cannot claim travel expenses:

  • You cannot claim overnight costs if you do not have a permanent residence elsewhere or if you are relocating to a new location.
  • Commuting from your home to your workplace is generally not claimable, except in specific circumstances. Consult your tax accountant to determine if you meet the requirements.
  • Personal errands are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • Overtime work or out-of-hours travel cannot be claimed.
  • If your employer has already reimbursed you or provided free facilities, you cannot claim those travel costs.

To learn more about claiming car expenses, click here.

What Is Overnight Travel?

According to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), overnight travel refers to staying overnight at a location that is not your usual residence while being away from home. This applies when your regular workplace remains the same, and you temporarily stay in a hotel or similar accommodation.

To claim overnight travel as a business expense, it is important to note that you must not travel with family or friends, and the purpose of your travel should solely be work-related.

You can claim various expenses related to overnight travel, including accommodation costs, transportation expenses, phone and internet charges, meal expenses, car parking fees, and bus tickets.

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How to Keep a Travel Diary

When it comes to claiming work-related travel expenses, maintaining comprehensive documentation is crucial. In addition to keeping a log book for car expenses, you should also maintain a travel diary to record your travel expenses accurately.

Your travel diary should include:

  • The name of the place where the business activity took place.
  • The date and time the business activity began and ended.
  • A description of the business activity.
  • The duration of the activity.

If your business activity includes both personal and work-related elements, you will need to apportion and claim only the business-related costs. If you find this process complex, consider seeking assistance from a tax accountant who can handle the calculations for you.

For a detailed travel diary example and more tax tips, click here.

Are Travel Allowances Taxable?

If you receive a travel allowance, it needs to be added to your taxable income. When lodging your tax return, the amount should be included in your income statement. If it doesn’t appear, you will need to manually add it. However, keep in mind that you can only claim allowable expenses, not the entire allowance, as deductions.

How to Record Travel Expenses

To claim travel expenses, you must have already incurred the expenses personally and be able to provide evidence of the costs. In addition to a travel diary, the ATO may require other forms of proof, such as receipts, tax invoices, contracts, and financial reports. It is essential to establish a robust record-keeping system to ensure you can substantiate your claims.

You can keep electronic evidence, provided it accurately represents the original documents. Remember to keep backup copies in case of any data loss or corruption.

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Claiming all eligible travel expenses can make a significant difference in your tax return. If you need assistance with negotiating your travel expenses or any other tax-related matters, the skilled tax accountants at iBlog can help. With over 50 years of experience in helping Australians lodge their tax returns, their professionals can handle complex calculations and maximize your deductions. Contact iBlog at 1800 367 487 or visit iBlog to chat with a friendly professional today.


Q: What expenses can I claim when traveling for work?

A: You can claim expenses such as transportation fares, car-related costs, accommodation expenses, and meal expenses when staying away from home overnight.

Q: Can I claim travel expenses if I commute from home to work?

A: In general, commuting expenses are not claimable unless you meet specific requirements. Consult your tax accountant for further guidance.

Q: Are travel allowances taxable?

A: Yes, travel allowances are considered part of your taxable income. However, you can only claim allowable expenses as deductions.

Q: What documentation do I need to keep for travel expenses?

A: It is important to keep a travel diary that includes details of your business activities, along with supporting documents such as receipts, tax invoices, and financial reports.


By understanding what qualifies as work-related travel expenses and how to claim them, you can effectively reduce your tax liability. Remember to keep accurate records, maintain a travel diary, and seek professional assistance when needed. Make the most of your travel costs and maximize your tax deductions with iBlog.

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